Kom Dixon, Treasurer

In 2018, after living in Chico, CA for 48 years, Kom and her husband retired, sold everything, moved into their R.V. and hit the road. They had no idea where they were going to land. Their first stop was the Mendocino Coast. They didn’t get far on their journey – they fell in love with the coast, bought a home, and haven’t left.
Born in Germany, Kom had the opportunity to visit many ancient sites throughout Western Europe and acquired an intense curiosity for anything historical; this was why she was captured by the beauty and history of the Point Cabrillo Light Station. In 2019 Kom became a volunteer docent for the lighthouse gift shop/museum and for the annual whale festival.
Kom graduated from CSU, Chico with a B.S. in Health Science and a B.A. in Social Science. She was self employed for 27 years as a massage therapist, developing her own techniques that she taught to other practitioners. In addition, she worked as a paraprofessional to junior high students with special needs. Kom has volunteered for Chico Friends of the Library, as a hospice volunteer coordinator, and as a mediation counselor. Now, she enjoys sharing the historical wealth of the light station with visitors from all over the world.