Education Programs
Program Summary
We welcome learners of all ages. Point Cabrillo has developed a wonderful education program for school and youth groups. For adult groups and requests for docent led tours, see Group Tours.
Program Visits: The award-winning education program at Point Cabrillo has been refined over the past 20 years. Each spring our dynamic and experienced instructors bring local school classes 1st through 5th grade for different grade appropriate curriculum. Our goal is to increase awareness and appreciation of marine life, coastal ecosystems and local history. Through fun, hands-on activities and games we hope to create an awareness and appreciation of this unique and beautiful place. We aim to introduce the ideas of conservation and accountability by looking at the human history and ongoing preservation work. Year round, the education staff enjoys working with out of town groups large and small, to make their visits a richer and memorable experience.
Click here to see detailed course offerings.
Non-Program Visits: School and youth groups are not required to book a program with our educators, but we would appreciate notice at least two weeks in advance of arrival. See Scheduling, below. Vehicles transporting students should park in the parking lot and students should walk down the hill. Please enforce a limit of 10 students at a time inside the lighthouse, preferably with 2 adults.
To notify us of an onsite visit or to schedule an onsite class for groups of children, please email your request to Pam Huntley, Be sure your email includes your name and phone number, the program title, 1st and 2nd choice dates, number of children, and your group’s affiliation, e.g. school, church, club, etc.
Online Educational Videos
Our Education Team at Point Cabrillo Lightkeepers Association is working to create a series of videos, featuring some of the content from our field trips. If you are unable to visit the Light Station, this is another way to learn.
Learn more about Grey Whales and North Coast History on their individual pages.
Education Program Funding
Our teacher compensation and other class expenses are paid by the Point Cabrillo Lightkeepers Association. We raise the money for these education classes from the annual Whale Festival parking fees and the Whale Festival Raffle ticket sales. Individual contributions to the PCLK Children’s Education Program are very much appreciated. Donations may be made online through PayPal by clicking the button below.
PCLK is a non-profit organization and your donations are tax deductible.
The Tidepool Exhibits
No matter what the tides are, our beautiful aquarium provides the rare opportunity to view our intertidal creatures up close and active underwater and all without harming this delicate ecosystem. The 240 gallon tank with local sea stars, crabs, anemones and even nudibranchs allows all of us to visit this fascinating world. The Marine Science Exhibit in the Blacksmith & Carpenter Shop also has beautiful and informative displays on marine life, current issues and seasonal events.
The Education Team at Point Cabrillo
Meet our incredible education team! Katie Brun, Sue Coulter, Pam Huntley and Heather King are the ladies who lead field trips, create our online educational videos, and so much more.
Contact us to learn more about scheduling your class on a field trip down to Point Cabrillo Light Station!