Looking Back at 2018

Dear PCLK Volunteers, Supporters and Friends,

The promise of longer days and a New Year inspire me to reflect on 2018. As always – every achievement is made possible by you, our wonderful volunteers, friends and supporters.
We painted the Lighthouse – and did so while welcoming visitors. As far as I know, we kept the red paint on the roof and off the people. We refinished the wood floor at the entrance, and the railings around the lantern room are in progress. We want this new railing to last even longer so our amazing Site Manager Steve Nilson is working on a solution which will balance historical accuracy with longevity.
One of the significant events of the year was our beloved Kath Disney-Nilson retiring from her long-time volunteer position as Lighthouse Retail Manager. It is impossible to adequately describe Kath’s contributions and hard work to keep the gift shop thriving for so many years. We are grateful that Kath is continuing as a retail docent! Another significant event was the hiring of Jen Lewis as our new Outreach and Fundraising Manager. Jen is a full-time employee with an extensive background in marketing. We’ve been keeping her quite busy. Not only did she take on Kath’s duties of managing the gift shop and retail docent scheduling, she is managing weddings, increasing our visibility on Facebook and other social media, producing the newsletter, recruiting new volunteers, advising on fundraising and going to all the meetings with partners and businesses that we didn’t even know we were missing.
When we first hired Jen, I had volunteers ask me if they were still needed and the answer is “YES – more than ever!” Retail docents keep the doors open, floors swept, displays dusted, and visitors happy. History Docents meet the buses. Coast Guard Auxiliary volunteers keep the windows clean and the lens turning. Helen MacKenzie Morris stepped up to organize the Volunteer Party. It takes all of us to keep this magnificent site running.
Change has come to the Board, as well. Lorraine Cheney left us for Ireland. Anne Eaton Kemp retired after many years of service – and will continue as a retail docent. Eric Frey had to resign due to his health and we keep him in our thoughts as he continues to recover. New to our Board is Ruth Walsh who agreed to be Vice President. Bruce Rogerson has re-joined the Board and taken on the task of updating our Historic Register documents and potentially acquiring additional State significance. Harold Hauck’s New Year’s wish is for someone with financial expertise to take over the role of Treasurer.
Our everyday accomplishments in 2018 will continue in 2019. The Lighthouse, First Assistant Lightkeeper’s House and Marine Science exhibit will be open every day of the year. Our Education Program staff will illuminate the natural and cultural history of Point Cabrillo for students. The aquarium in the Marine Science Exhibit will thrive thanks to the volunteers and staff who care for it. Visitors will spot Gray Whales during the Whale Festivals in March. Buses will come and be met by history experts.
On behalf of the Board of Directors, I want to thank you for all the work you did this past year. Whether you are new to our organization or a volunteer with thousands of hours, every accomplishment is due to your dedication and support.
Tanya Smart, President
Point Cabrillo Lightkeepers Association